1. 基于子阵划分的大型相控阵天线复杂波束形成技术的研究(厅局级,2017年1月-2019年9月,主持)
2. C波段非均匀阵列天线系统设计与开发(企业项目,2021年10月-2023年10月)
3. C-KU波段双频共享孔径阵列天线设计(企业项目,2020年5月-2021年5月,主持)
4. 基于子阵划分的大型阵列天线设计(企业项目,2020年2月-2021年2月,主持)
5. 改进能优化算法在特殊阵列天线设计中的应用(企业项目,2018年4月-2019年6月,主持)
6. 基于改进支持向量机的非理想因素声呐基阵鲁棒波束形成方法研究(国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2020年1月-2022年12月,参与)
7. 基于纹理特征和表面张力控制的纺织品表面质量视觉检测系统的研究与开发(西安市科技局,2019年6月-2021年6月,参与)
1.Hua Guo, Huiliang Hao, Peng Song, Lijian Zhang, Xiaodan Zhang. Synthesis of Planar Array for Wireless Power Transmission. Progress in Electromagnetics Research C. 2022(121). (EI检索)
2.Hua Guo, Leihui Yue, Peng Song, Yumei Tan, Lijian Zhang. Denoising of an Ultraviolet Light Received Signal Based on Improved Wavelet Transform Threshold and Threshold Function. APPLIED OPTICS, 2021, 60(28). (SCI检索)
3.Hua Guo, Guangrui Jing, Mian Dong, Lijian Zhang and Xiaodan Zhang. Position-only synthesis of uniformly excited elliptical antenna arrays with minimum element spacing constraint [J]. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2019(1). (SCI检索)
4. Hua Guo, Guangrui Jing, Xiaodan Zhang, Lin Cui and Yameng Jiao. Synthesis of Sparse Planar antenna arrays with Multiple Constraints [J]. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-aided Engineering, 2019, 29(9). (SCI检索)
5. Hua Guo, Lin Cui, Xiaodan Zhang, and Yameng Jiao. Synthesis of non-uniform circular antenna arrays with multiple constraints [J]. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2018, 10(3). (SCI检索)
6.Hua Guo, Chenjiang Guo, and Jun Ding. Pattern Synthesis of Sub-arrayed Monopulse Planar Array [J]. Electromagnetics, 2014, 34(7). (SCI检索)
7. Hua Guo, Chenjiang Guo, and Jun Ding. Pattern Synthesis of Dual-band Shared Aperture Interleaved Linear Arrays [J]. Radioengineering, 2014, 23(3). (SCI检索)
8. Hua Guo, Chenjiang Guo, and Jun Ding. Amplitude-only Synthesis of Multi-subaperture Antenna Array by Nonlinear Least-square Method [J]. The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES), 2014, 29(10). (SCI检索)
9. Hua Guo, Chenjiang Guo, and Jun Ding. Pencil Beam Pattern Synthesis of Subarrayed Planar Array [J]. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2015, 25(1). (SCI检索)
10. Hua Guo, Chenjiang Guo, Yan Qu, and Jun Ding. Pattern Synthesis of Concentric Circular Antenna Array by Nonlinear Least-square Method [J]. Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2013, 50. (EI检索)
11. Hua Guo, Chenjiang Guo, and Jun Ding. Synthesis of the Sum and Difference Patterns by a Hybrid Real/Integer-coded Invasive Weed optimization [J]. International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2016, 9(4). (EI检索).
12. 郭华, 岳镭辉, 荆光瑞, 崔琳, 张晓丹. 基于子阵划分的直线阵列天线综合[J], 电子设计工程,2020,23(13).
13. 郭华,崔琳,焦亚萌,张晓丹. 基于非线性最小二乘法的阵列天线综合[J],信息通信,2019(194).